Monday, November 3, 2008

Retracement trading with Fibonacci : Video Tutorial!!!:mrtq13

Below is a video tutorial on Retracement trading with Fibonacci tool.

Fibonacci is a very important tool and Fibonacci ratio is very interesting thing to know………..

Fibonacci is used to measure how much pullback there could be when a stock is in correction after an uptrend…………..

After a stock goes up,it will stop somewhere and start to fall. And if we can know beforehand where the stock may stop its fall,then we can plan accordingly.

Fibonacci gives us some levels at which the stock price is likely to stop its fall. It is found that Stocks many times stop at Fibonacci levels. Not clear why. But this happens……….You can test it for yourself…………If you play with this tool,you will find that many times Price actually stops at Fibonacci level in pullback!

I have created three videos on Fibonacci trading. This is just an introductory video on how to use Fibo tool and measuring by it………….Each video has different purpose. Pls,watch each one………..

I created the videos in shockwave. Thus, the video files are small in size(only 1mb). AVI or WMA would have taken huge space, and the file would have got huge.That is why,I avoided those formates…………

You will need Flash Player to run the video. You should have Flash in your computer. It is a very important thing……….If your computer doesn’t have Flash, pls download it from the link below(1.50 mb only). And install it before watching the vidoes………..

Download the Flash player : ... player.exe

Download the Fibonnaci/Retracement trading videos :

Fibonacci works. It is not clear why.It works in every aspect of this universe. I tried the mathematical part. But couldn't comprehend that part. So,I gave up. However,there is no need to know the mathematical part. We just need to know where the price of a stock is likely to stop its fall...........And you may be surprised to see that many times prices do stop at Fibonacci levels............

Fibonacci is a tool to help us measure the likely retracement of a stock or index. Other things,if combined with this tool,will give us better prediction power. The good thing about Fibonacci is it is not a lagging tool. It is,unlike MA and oscillators,capable of predicting...............So,we need it. Candlestick is capable of predicting future,so is Fibonacci. So,when both are combined,we get a strong output.................

There are different strategy to use with Fibonacci. For example :

1. Fibonacci+candlestick buy/sell signals.
2. Fibonacci+moving average.
3. Fibonacci+Support/resistance
4. Fiboancci+Trading system signals.
5. Fiboancci+Volume..............and so on..............

We need to have defined strategy on each of the above. That way,our trading will be better and disciplined............!!!!

Hope you will like it.

Take care!!

1 comment:

bolbam said...

guru apnar dekha jadi aktu agea paitam ami ,ato bhul trade hoito na,
ato loss hoito na

ektu pare paileo god apnare milai dise ar sarbona.

im grateful to u guru.